Information about Citfin – Finanční trhy, a.s.

Basic Information

Citfin – Finanční trhy, a.s.

Radlická 751/113e, 158 00 Praha 5 – Jinonice
IN: 250 79 069, TaxIN: CZ 250 790 69
Bank connection: Citfin
Account number: 1002091/2060
Company is registered in Commercial Register kept by
Municipial Court in Prague, Section B, File 4313

GIIN Citfin FT: PRDZKH.99999.SL.203
LEI: 213800BVHZ8XUCN63U23

Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board and CEO: Martina Zvěřinová
Member of the Board and CSO: Ing. Dagmar Rottová, MBA
Member of the Board, COO and CRO: Mgr. Jan Karger

Supervisory Board

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: doc. Ing. Karel Kopp, CSc.
Member of the Supervisory Board: Ing. Attila Kovács
Member of the Supervisory Board: Vilma Beková

Signature Rules of Citfin – Finanční trhy a.s.

The Board of Directors acts on behalf of the company – either the Chairman acts independently or in cooperation with the member of the Board of Directors.

  • The Chairman of the Board of Directors is Martina Zvěřinová
  • Member of the Board of Directors is Ing. Dagmar Rottová, MBA
  • Member of the Board of Directors is Mgr. Jan Karger

Other people that are granted with the legal capacity in writing and authorised:

To conclude client relationships with the clients of Citfin – Finanční trhy, a.s.:

  • Martina Zvěřinová – CEO
  • Ing. Dagmar Rottová, MBA – CSO
  • Ing. Kateřina Chvátalová – Sales Manager SME
  • Tereza Doležalová DiS. – Authorised person SME, Sales Department

Licenses, Permits and Downloadable Documents

  CNB Company Registration Confirmation; Citfin – Finanční trhy a.s.; available only in Czech! 10. 7. 2009 425 KB Download
  Licenses of Citfin 13. 7. 2009 473 KB Download
  Framework Agreement without forwads Citfin FT_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 325 KB Download
  Framework Agreement without Futures with revisions_2024_11_15 9. 9. 2024 329 KB Download
  Framework Agreement with forwards Citfin FT_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 340 KB Download
  Framework Agreement with Futures with revisions_2024_11_15 9. 9. 2024 346 KB Download
  Annex No. 2 of the Framework Agreement – General Business Terms_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 375 KB Download
  Annex 2 to Framework Agreement_General Business Terms with revisions_2024_11_15 9. 9. 2024 441 KB Download
  Annex No. 3 of the GBT – Technical Information _2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 271 KB Download
  Annex 3 to General Business Terms_Technical Information with revisions_2024_11_15 9. 9. 2024 484 KB Download
  Annex No. 3 Investment Questionnaire of Adequacy Citfin FT_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 254 KB Download
  Annex 3 to Framework Agreement_Investment Questionnaire with revisions_2024_11_15 9. 9. 2024 383 KB Download
  Annex No. 4 to Framework Agreement_Product sheet Payment Services and Spot Trades_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 231 KB Download
  Annex 4 to Framework Agreement_Product sheet Payment Services, Spot Trades with revisions_2024_11_15 9. 9. 2024 305 KB Download
  Annex to Framework Agreement_Product sheet_Futures_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 244 KB Download
  Annex to Framework Agreement_Product sheet Futures with revisions _2024_11_15 9. 9. 2024 326 KB Download
  Independent bank accounts belonging to Citfin FT_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 245 KB Download
  BankServis User Manual Citfin FT_2023_06_01 1. 6. 2023 3 MB Download
  The Articles of Association of Citfin FT_2023 24. 1. 2023 317 KB Download
  Price List Citfin FT_2021_09_07 7. 9. 2021 139 KB Download
  Complaints Procedure Citfin_2023_01_17 17. 1. 2023 82 KB Download
  Risks regarding futures trading 18. 11. 2019 112 KB Download
  Basic information on international cooperation in tax administration consisting 30. 10. 2020 73 KB Download
  Methodical Instruction FIU No. 7 – Measures against politically exposed persons; available only in Czech!_2023_11_15 8. 3. 2024 1 MB Download
  Citfin Risk Appetite Statement 13. 08. 2024 13. 8. 2024 132 KB Download

Related Information

Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on OTC Derivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories and other associated regulations of the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as “EMIR”) establishes new obligations for participants in derivative transactions. EMIR sets obligations for providers of derivatives and for clients using these derivatives.

Since Citfin – Finanční trhy, a.s. (hereinafter referred to as “Citfin”) provides foreign exchange derivatives within its portfolio (forwards and swaps), the provision of these foreign exchange derivatives must fulfil the obligations set by EMIR.


EMIR Obligations

  1. Categorisation of Clients in Accordance with EMIR. To fulfil obligations arising from EMIR, the client must know whether they are a financial counterparty or a non-financial counterparty (above-threshold, below-threshold). Citfin automatically classifies its clients in the non-financial counterparty category. If you find that you do not fall within the non-financial counterparty category within EMIR’s classification, or you expect that to happen in the near future, immediately inform Citfin. Financial counterparties are investment firms authorised in accordance with Directive 2004/39/EC, credit institutions authorised in accordance with Directive 2006/48/EC, insurance undertakings authorised in accordance with Directive 73/239/EEC, assurance undertakings authorised in accordance with Directive 2002/83/EC, reinsurance undertakings authorised in accordance with Directive 2005/68/EC, UCITSs and, where relevant, their management company, authorised in accordance with Directive 2009/65/EC, institutions for occupational retirement provisions within the meaning of Directive 2003/41/EC and alternative investment funds managed by AIFMs authorised or registered in accordance with Directive 2011/61/EU. A non-financial counterparty is an undertaking, other than a financial counterparty (non-financial counterparties are licence holders of a payment institution, unless they hold another licence as described above), established in the European Union. In accordance with EMIR, a non-financial counterparty is obligated to check that their outstanding positions do not exceed the clearing threshold, i.e. threshold associated with a clearing obligation via a central counterparty:
    • Limits for obligatory clearings are set by art. 11 of Commission Regulation no. 149/2013 as follows:
      • EUR 1 billion gross notional value for OTC credit derivative contracts,
      • EUR 1 billion gross notional value for OTC equity derivative contracts,
      • EUR 3 billion gross notional value for OTC interest derivative contracts,
      • EUR 3 billion gross notional value for OTC foreign exchange derivative contracts,
      • EUR 3 billion gross notional value for OTC commodity derivative contracts and other OTC derivative contracts not listed above.
    • In case a non-financial counterparty exceeds the threshold, it is obligated to inform ESMA, ČNB and Citfin of this fact.
    • Limits are monitored as an average position in OTC derivative contracts for over a period of 30 days.
  2. Reconciliation of Outstanding Futures. One of the requirements of EMIR is a reconciliation of outstanding derivative transactions. At prescribed intervals, Citfin will supply its clients via the Bankservis application or via e-mail about outstanding foreign exchange derivative transactions and their values in accordance with the requirements of EMIR.Reconciliation intervals are dependent on the type of counterparty and the number of outstanding contracts:
    • Financial and above-threshold non-financial counterparties
      • daily – more than 500 outstanding contracts
      • weekly – 51 to 499 outstanding contracts
      • quarterly – 50 or fewer outstanding futures contracts
    • Below-threshold non-financial counterparties
      • quarterly – more than 100 outstanding futures contracts
      • annually – 100 or fewer outstanding futures contracts

    Starting in the first quarter of 2014, a reconciliation process for outstanding futures contracts will begin at the prescribed frequency based on the number of outstanding contracts

  3. Reporting Obligation. All derivatives must be reported to trade repositories. It is necessary to arrange which of the counterparties will report to the trade repository. Citfin can report for the client, the client can do the reporting themselves or the obligation can be delegated to a third party. We propose to our clients that they allow Citfin to provide reporting for them. If the client wishes to report futures contracts themselves, they must inform Citfin of this fact in writing. If Citfin does not receive this information from the client, Citfin will do reporting for the customer. The basic requirement for fulfilling the reporting obligation for legal persons is that the counterparties must mutually impart their temporary or permanent legal entity identifier (“LEI”). LEI is the identifier of the counterparty and the reporting obligation cannot be fulfilled without it. The reporting obligation is effective from the 12th February 2014. If the client, that uses foreign exchange derivatives, does not provide Citfin their LEI, the reporting obligation arising from EMIR will not be fulfilled.
  4. Receiving LEI. The issuing and (annual) renewal of LEI is subject to a fee. The fees differ by provider. In the Czech Republic, the LEI provider is Centrální depozitář cenných papírů, a.s., and the fee for issuing and for annual renewal totals CZK 1,875 and CZK 940 respectively. The form for requesting an LEI by Centrální depozitář cenných papírů can be found here. The list of all current LEI providers is available here. Please send your LEI to


EMIR Information Sources

In providing investment services and particularly in trading investment instruments, Citfin – Finanční trhy, a.s. (hereinafter “Citfin”) applies the rules laid down in accordance with the requirements set out in Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments (“MiFID II”), and/or Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016 supplementing MiFID II with regard to organizational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and laying down the terms for the purposes of that Directive (the “Implementing Regulation”) and No. 256/2004 Coll. on doing business on the capital market, as later amended (hereinafter “ZPKT”). The primary objective of these rules is to protect customers, in particular in terms of the scope of the information to be transmitted, the evaluation of information on customer’s expertise and experience and the rules for the transmission and execution of customer’s instructions on investment instruments.

Main changes affecting these areas:

  • Assessing the target market – test of product suitability for the customer – Citfin carries out a suitability test of the products offered to its customers. To meet these requirements, an update of investment surveys was prepared and implemented. Its aim is to increase awareness of the possible risks of investment services, especially among non-professional customers, and so ensure a higher level of protection.
  • Implementation of instructions under the best conditions and in the best interest of the customer – Citfin has rules in place that aim at ensuring that every individual instruction of the customer is executed under the best conditions and that it is ensured that such instructions are executed consistently under the best possible terms and conditions, in a honest, fair and professional manner and in the best interests of the customer.
  • Management of conflicts of interests – Citfin has rules and mechanisms in place to prevent conflicts of interest. To avoid conflicts of interest, Citfin has established an corresponding organizational structure with control mechanisms, ensuring the separation of incompatible roles and guaranteeing the avoidance of conflicts of interest.
  • Information on costs and related fees – All costs and related fees charged for the investment services or ancillary services to the customer that should be communicated are based on Annex II to EU Regulation 2017/565. Citfin will provide this information at customer’s request before arranging any specific transaction (specific amount of costs and fees) and then provide it broken down into individual items in the Exchange Trade Confirmation.

The information on the different areas is contained in these documents:

  1. Basic Company Information
  2. Investment Services and Instruments
  3. Categorisation of Clients
  4. Warning about the Risks Associated with the Use of Investment Instruments
  5. Conflict of Interests Policy
  6. Rules for Executing Orders
  7. Guarantee Fund of Securities Traders
  8. Rules of Handling Client’s Assets

The application for inclusion in the “Professional Client” category can be found HERE.

The times in the tables indicate the time limit (Cut-Off Time) by which the client must deliver the payment order to Citfin – Finanční trhy, a.s. so that the payment is made on the same day. The payment execution is also subject to the sufficient coverage of funds on the client’s payment account with Citfin.


Payment orders with the NORMAL speed for the payment transaction

If the client indicates the NORMAL speed for the payment transaction in the payment order and meets the requirements for the payment execution (the payment order is delivered by the Cut-Off Time, and the funds on the client’s payment account with Citfin are sufficiently covered), the funds will be transferred to the recipient’s bank:

  • Within T+1 in the case of a domestic payment
  • Within T+2 or T+3 in the case of a foreign payment



Cut-Off Time for the receipt of the payment order and coverage of the payment transaction

Currencies Time
all currencies 16.30



Payment orders with the URGENT speed for the payment transaction

If the client indicates the URGENT speed for the payment transaction in the payment order and meets the requirements for the payment execution (the payment order is delivered by the Cut-Off Time, and the funds on the client’s payment account with Citfin are sufficiently covered), the funds will be transferred to the recipient’s bank:

  • Within T+0 in the case of a domestic payment
  • Within T+0 or T+1 in the case of a foreign payment

If the client indicates the URGENT speed for the payment transaction in the payment order, he/she will be charged a fee according to the price list of Citfin – Finanční trhy, a.s., which is available on this website.


Cut-Off Time for the receipt of the payment order and coverage of the payment transaction

CZK in ČR12.30
CZK foreign11.30
EUR in EHP*15.00
kurz Euro € pro směnu devizEUR outside EHP*13.30
kurz Americký dolar pro směnu devizUSD13.30
kurz Libra šterlinků pro směnu devizGBP08.30
kurz Švýcarský frank pro směnu devizCHF08.30
kurz Norská koruna pro směnu devizNOK08.30
kurz Švédská koruna pro směnu devizSEKn/a
kurz Japonský jen pro směnu devizJPYn/a
kurz Złoty pro směnu devizPLN08.30
kurz Kanadský dolar pro směnu devizCADn/a
kurz Forint pro směnu devizHUF08.30
kurz Dánská koruna pro směnu devizDKKn/a
kurz Australský dolar pro směnu devizAUDn/a
kurz Ruský rubl pro směnu devizRUBn/a
kurz Rumunské leu pro směnu devizRONn/a
kurz Čínský jüan pro směnu devizCNYn/a

*EEA means the European Economic Area consisting of all EU Member States and Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.